From his experience as ethical expert for two robot companion prototype projects aiming at empowering older Mci persons to remain at home and to support their family carers, Gerard cornet, Gerontologist, review the ethical rules, principles and pragmatic approaches in different cultures. the ethical process of these two funded projects, one European, companionable (FP7 e-inclusion call1), the other French, Quo vadis (aNr tecsan) are described from the inclusion of the targeted end users in the process, to the assessment and ranking of their main needs and whishes to design the specifications, test the performance expected. Obstacles to turn round and limits for risks evaluation (directs or implicit), acceptability, utility, respect of intimacy and dignity, and balance with freedom and security and frontiers to artificial intelligence are discussed as quoted in the discussion with the French and Japanese experts attending the toulouse robotics and medicine symposium (March 26th 2011), the need of a new ethical approach, going further the present ethical rules is needed for the design and social status of ethical robots, having capacity cas factor of progress and global quality of innovation design in an ageing society.
robotics, aged, Patient supports, artificial intelligence, Decision making.