In 15 years the Moroccan economy has become not only an emerging economy but a resilient economy. Visitors to any region or province in the Kingdom see evidence of ongoing projects. This, of course, is not by chance or a gift of nature. Morocco’s economy, unlike that of neighbouring countries, is not a rentier economy. It has been necessary to innovate, take risks, etc. Led by its sovereign Mohammed VI, the initiator of all the extensive schemes, of a policy of major projects which Keynes would not have disowned, of opening up to world markets and the African market in particular, Morocco has chosen the path to modernity. That modernity is now part of a global development, making human development a primary aim and sustainable development a priority. This should enable Morocco to export clean energy to Europe.


Henri-Louis VEDIE has a doctorate in Economics and a graduate diploma in Law and is currently Emeritus Professor of the HEC School of Management (Paris), Finance/Economics Department. He has written dozens of articles, published in France and abroad, and some fifteen books on both micro-economics and macro-economics, focusing on current issues and on Morocco, on which he has become an acknowledged expert. He also acts as a consultant for companies and international bodies, including the Council of Europe.


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L’ouvrage « ÉCONOMIE GÉNÉRALE » s’adresse aux étudiants qui suivent des cours d’économie d’un niveau Licence (L1, L2 et L3) ainsi qu’aux candidats qui préparent les concours (CAPES et agrégation d’économie, Écoles de commerce, Instituts d’Études Politiques, École Normale Supérieure et École Nationale d’Administration). 

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