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Availability: 200 In Stock

Ce livre s’adresse principalement aux étudiants de Licence dans les facultés de Droit et les Instituts d’études politiques. Son objectif est d’expliquer d’où vient notre droit politique et constitutionnel depuis 1789. En cela, il est une introduction historique au Droit politique et constitutionnel positif de la France sous la Cinquième République, qui fera l’objet du prochain ouvrage.

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Our environment is constantly changing new technologies, changes in purchasing behaviour, instantaneous information available to almost everyone, public health issues…

In this highly competitive context, the sales function is more than ever the driving force of the company, which is looking for professional salespersons capable of adapting, selling successfully and achieving their objectives.

ISBN : 978-27472-3500-6

Availability: 197 In Stock

Who is the book for?

Leadership with Soul is written for established and aspiring business leaders in all shapes and sizes of organisation, within every market category and industry sector around the world. Anyone, from a management student to a global CEO, who wants to become a more inspirational leader and achieve better outcomes, will benefit from reading this book.


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