Availability: Out of stock
- Alpha or not Alpha: The Case of the Hedge Fund Industry
- What Happens “Before the Birth” and “After the Death” of a Hedge Fund?
- Hedge Fund Managers: Luck and Dynamic Assessment
- A Time-Varying Performance Evaluation of Hedge Fund Strategies through Aggregation
- Detecting Early Warnings for Hedge Fund Contagion
- Edito
Availability: 30 In Stock
Availability: Out of stock
Risk-Based and Factor Investing
- Expected Credit Loss vs. Credit Value Adjustment: A Comparative Analysis
- Analyst Earnings Forecasts, Individual Investors’ Expectations and Trading Volume
- Changing Dynamic Relationships between Stock and Bond Markets in Crises
- Do Regulatory and Supervisory Reforms Affect European Bank Stability
Availability: 30 In Stock
Availability: Out of stock
- Assessing Extreme Risk-adjusted performance of Hedge Funds
- Corporate Governance and Corporate Hedging: French Evidence
- an endogenous Representation of the contemporary art market cycle SPECULATION
- The "Financialisation"of Non-Life Insurance:The Impact of the New Accounting and Prudential Standard
- Assessing Extreme Risk-adjusted performance of Hedge Funds
- ...
Availability: Out of stock
- How Risky are Low-Risk Hedge Funds?
- Hedge Funds Managerial Skill Revisited: A Quantile Regression Approach
- Multi-Asset Seasonality and Trend-Following Strategies
- New Insight on the Performance of Equity Long/short Investment Styles
Availability: Out of stock
Can Large Long-term Investors Capture Illiquidity Premiums?
- Long-term Portfolio Allocation Based on Long-term Macro Forecasts
- Projecting Pension Outcomes at Retirement – Towards an Industry Reporting Standard
- Economic-financial Literacy and (Sustainable) Pension Reforms
- Cyclicality and Term Structure of Value-at-Risk within a Threshold Autoregression Setup
Availability: Out of stock
- Editor’s letter
- HFT and Market Quality
- On the Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investments
- Pension Reform in The Netherlands: Attractive Options for other Countries?
- French Pensions Framework in an International Perspective
- Optimal Asset Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds: Theory and Practice
- Asset Class Liquidity Risk
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